After months of teasing, the mysterious project known as “Project Luminous” has officially been announced as “Star Wars: The High Republic,” a new publishing initiative that will focus on a new era of Star Wars across novels, young adult novels, children’s books, and comics. You can check out the announcement in the video above, as […]
Archive for February, 2020
Kyle, Tim and Paul are back to discuss the leaked script for Star Wars Episode IX: Duel of the Fates. We talk about what would have worked well, what wouldn’t have, and compare it to what we ultimately (thankfully) got in The Rise of Skywalker. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | […]
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We’re back to talk about the brand new trailer for the upcoming final season of Clone Wars! We’ve also got some updates on season 2 of The Mandalorian and the Obi-Wan series, and we speculate about what else the future could hold for Star Wars TV content. Show Notes: The Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer […]
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