Adam Driver Talks Star Wars In A New Interview
16 Aug. 2014

Adam Driver Talks Star Wars In A New Interview

Adam Driver is one of the Episode VII cast members that we really haven’t heard too much from since the initial casting announcement, but Entertainment Weekly recently did an interview with the actor, and while of course he couldn’t give any new info about Episode VII, he does share his thoughts on being involved in the movie, and the themes of the original trilogy. Here is a portion of the interview:

Is there a sense of wonder that comes with being on that set? J.J. has shown us that there are actual spaceships there, not just green screen visual effects.
Oh yeah. The thing about Star Wars that’s so good—sure there’s this huge [canvas]. It’s space, it’s a long time ago in a galaxy far away. That’s set up immediately. But in the midst of all those things, what has made those movies last so long is that they’re all grounded, which is something that is not so far off from every movie with huge universal themes of siblings and parents and betrayal and trust. That’s so generic and obvious, but it’s hard to balance those things.

What did you love about the earlier Star Wars films?
I always think back to the original movies and to those quieter moments where Luke is out in A New Hope, and there are the two suns setting, and it’s just such a quiet moment. It is the equivalent, basically, of a farm boy dying to get out of his small town and do something bigger. It’s those kinds of universal themes that ground this whole thing in space.

Be sure to check out the full interview over at Entertainment Weekly, where he also talks about if George Lucas has been on set, and Harrison Ford’s injury.

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