Disney Channel continues to show their short featurettes about the “The Force Awakens,” and their latest one that debuted yesterday centers on Finn. You can check out the new featurette in the video above, where we get a behind the scenes look with John Boyega as he talks about his character.
Posts Tagged ‘BB-8’
Disney Channel has aired a new minute long featurette about Rey’s adventure in “The Force Awakens,” where we get to see a behind the scenes look with Daisy Ridley, as well as some brief new footage and dialogue from the movie. You can check out the featurette in the video above.
Amazon France has revealed the full track listing for “The Force Awakens” soundtrack on their page. While there are no major spoilers revealed the track names like “Qui-Gon’s Noble End” from “The Phantom Menace” soundtrack, the names do give you a good idea of how the movie plays out. You can check out the full […]
The official trailer for “The Force Awakens” Disney Infinity 3.0 play set has been released, and may just offer a glimpse at some new moments in the movie that we haven’t seen yet. Now videogames do tend to add more content to a game based on a movie, so that may be the case here […]
While Empire has been revealing several articles from their new “The Force Awakens” issue over the last week, they have now finally unveiled the covers to their issue, which is actually six different covers that feature Rey and BB-8, Finn, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and Han and Chewie. You can check out all […]
Tonight the very first clip from “The Force Awakens” was released, and shows us more of the Jakku chase sequence with Rey, Finn, and BB-8 that we’ve seen in the trailers with some new dialogue! You can check out the clip in the video above.
Yet another new “The Force Awakens” TV spot has come online today, where we get a few new shots of Kylo Ren and The First Order, as well as a new piece of dialogue from Maz Kanata. You can check out the new TV spot in the video above.
A new TV spot for “The Force Awakens” was seen yesterday, and now that new commercial is available to see in HD. You can check out the new TV spot in the video above, as we get a look at new X-Wings pilots, including a familiar face from “Return of the Jedi”!
Another new “The Force Awakens” TV spot has just been unleashed, and like the other ones before it, it’s really awesome! You can check out the new TV spot in the video above, where Finn is the character that gets the most focus with lots of great new footage and dialogue from him!
While we all got excited every time a new TV Spot or special preview of “The Force Awakens” got released these past few weeks, the product tie-in commercials have been no slouch either with getting fans excited for new “Star Wars”! Much like Duracell and EA with Star Wars Battlefront, Version has just released their […]