While this wont come as a huge surprise for “Star Wars” fans, Disney CEO Bob Iger did confirm today at the Deutsche Bank 2016 Media, Internet & Telecom Conference that Chewbacca will in fact be a part of the Han Solo “Star Wars Story” film, and we will see his origin along with Han Solo.
Here is what Bob Iger said about the Han Solo film at the Internet & Telecom conference, via The Wrap:
“We have others in the works, including one, which is an origin story about Han Solo and Chewy,” he continued. “And that’ll come after ‘Star Wars 8’ in 2018. And then there’ll be possibly be more thereafter.”Iger told investors, media analysts and reporters listening in to today’s event that these “‘Star Wars’: Stories” will be marketed “differently, but aggressively” — an effort to not divert fans from the ongoing saga, but still certainly draw their money.
While many of us assumed that Chewie would play a part in Han Solo’s standalone film, it is nice to get official confirmation that he will in fact be in the movie. And the idea of seeing the first meeting between these two iconic characters has me very excited about this movie!