In today’s episode of The Star Wars Show, it was announced that Episode VIII Director Rian Johnson, and the Han Solo film Directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord will be attending Celebration Europe next month for a panel titled, “Future Filmmakers.” The panel will take place on Sunday July 17th, and will be hosted by Pablo Hidalgo, with Kathleen Kennedy and Kiri Hart joining Johnson, Lord and Miller to discuss the next two “Star Wars” films coming after “Rogue One.”
This panel sounds very similar to the one we got at Celebration Anaheim last year with Gareth Edwards, where we first learned what “Rogue One” was about. So it’s probably safe to assume that we will be learning at least a little more about Episode VIII and the Han Solo movie, and who knows, maybe they’ll surprise the audience again with a short teaser for one of those films like they did for “Rogue One”!
One thing is for sure, this sounds like a panel that’s not to be missed for those attending Celebration Europe, and one I’m definitely looking forward to hearing about.