Rogue One Comic Adaption Announced
12 Jan. 2017

Rogue One Comic Adaption Announced

A comic adaption of “Rogue One” from Marvel has just been announced today via Entertainment Weekly, and from the sound of it, it looks to be an improvement over the disappointing “The Force Awakens” comic.

It was revealed that the “Rogue One” comic will be a six-issue series, being written by Jody Houser, with art by Emilio Laiso, and will come out in April.

Entertainment Weekly did a small interview with writer Jody Houser, where she tells us what we can expect from this adaption:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How will the Rogue One adaptation compare to the film? What can you tease about how you’re splitting up the story into six parts? Will there be anything not seen in the film?

JODY HOUSER: The comics will definitely expand on what was seen in both Rogue One the film and the novelization. Lucasfilm and Gareth Edwards had a bunch of ideas for extra scenes and character moments that didn’t make it into the film. I’m having a lot of fun playing around with those. Adaptations across different forms of media have always been a great opportunity to explore other facets of the story, and we’re excited to have new material in the Rogue One comic.

Hearing that the “Rogue One” comic will have extra scenes and character moments that weren’t in the film has me really excited for this adaption. As much as I loved the new characters introduced in “Rogue One,” it’s definitely not going to hurt to get some extra scenes with them to enhance their story even further.

For the full interview with writer Jody Houser, head on over to Entertainment Weekly.

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