We’re probably still on a massive high after seeing the incredible new “Rogue One” trailer last night, but that doesn’t mean the new trailer ended Entertainment Weekly’s coverage of “Rogue One” stories this past week, as today’s story focuses on the main character of “Rogue One,” Jyn Erso. In this article, actress Felicity Jones talks […]
The brand new “Rogue One” trailer shown during the Rio Olympics tonight is now online, and you can check it out in the video above and be amazed of how great “Rogue One” is looking! Simply put “Rogue One” just looks amazing, as this trailer was fantastic!
Tonight’s the night we get to see the new “Rogue One” trailer! But to help us get a little more excited for it, today’s Entertainment Weekly story on “Rogue One” focuses on one of the main characters I can’t wait to see in the movie, and hopefully more of in tonight’s trailer. Clone Wars veteran […]
The trend of new and different releases of “Star Wars” movies continues with “The Force Awakens,” as a new Collectors Edition 3D Blu-ray release is coming this fall, with some new special features, deleted scenes, and what I’m most excited about, audio commentary from J.J. Abrams! The four-disc 3D Collectors Edition sees release staring on […]
Today’s “Rogue One” story from Entertainment Weekly’s coverage all week focuses on the new droid played by Alan Tudyk, K-2SO. While at Celebration Europe, it was revealed that K-2SO would be the droid of Cassian Andor, and that he would be the one to clear his programing and bring him to the side of the rebellion. […]
Today’s story from Entertainment Weekly’s “Rogue One” coverage in the lead up to the new trailer focuses on Riz Ahmed’s character in the film. The imperial turned rebel Bodhi Rook. In Entertainment Weekly’s story, we learn a little bit more of why the former imperial cargo ship pilot decides to join the rebels to help […]
In the lead up to the new “Rogue One” trailer this Thursday, it looks like we can expect to see some cool new articles about the film from Entertainment Weekly throughout the week, and today they revealed some new information about the holy planet Jedha from Director Gareth Edwards himself. Here are some of the […]
Some unexpected but great news has come out today, as we will be getting a brand new “Rogue One” trailer this Thursday August 11th during the Rio Olympics. The announcement was made from the official Star Wars Twitter account: See the premiere of the new #RogueOne trailer during Olympic coverage this Thursday. pic.twitter.com/xkQIIvoYu3 — Star […]
Throwing out the potential spoiler warning right away here, as an actor who’s been in previous “Star Wars” films hinted today that he will be returning to the franchise in “Rogue One.” Potential Spoilers Below: It looks like we’ll be seeing another familiar “Star Wars” character make a small appearance in “Rogue One,” as actor […]
A new episode of “The Star Wars Show” has premiered today, where in this episode we get an awesome look at the new U-Wing ship that’s making it’s debut in “Rogue One” in a cool new image. We also learn some details about how the U-Wing will be used by the rebellion, as it was […]